
Thursday 6 August 2020

Hunger ball

Today me and my class are writting set of instructions for a game we played at hunger ball called end game.

when we first got their we met a man named andu he told us what to do when inside the hunger ball and what not to do. The main game we played was called endgame its a game of elimination . Their are six scores. pairs of two will have each of their own goals. 

The main rules in this game are to only tap the ball and kick it but you hold the ball you are eliminated then it will the next pairs turn. you also get eliminated if your goal gets scored and that how hunger ball.

I enjoyed writting a set of instructions. I found nothing challenging. my next steps are to do more stuff like this.
to be completed.
have you played hunger ball?

Tuesday 4 August 2020

Hunger Ball

yesterday me and my class played a game called hunger ball. 

 yesterday me and my class got to play hunger ball we would take turns in pairs we played a number of games like soccer. Who evers goal gets scored by another pair will have to switch with the next pair.

Most of the rules on other gamesare the same. another game was hockey instead of using hockey sticks we used somthing called noodles. 
we also played a game called endgame their were certian rules like pairs that play have to tap the ball and they are not alowed to hold the ball and pairs will also be alowed to kick the ball. also their are only 6 goals for each pair. Also all the teachers played the games too. 

 I enjoyed writting this recount. I found nothing really challenging. my nexts steps are to blog more.