
Friday 26 June 2020

latitude and longitude

Today me and my class were writting about what learnt and did yesterday.

Yesterday me and my class were learning about latitude and longitude mark pointing. Also we went on a site that was similar to google maps. For an example we had to mark a point and tell class members to go where we marked it. also Here is a picture.

I enjoyed writting about yesterday. I found nothing challenging today. my next steps are to do this stuff more.

have you ever heard of mark pointing?

Tuesday 23 June 2020

captain cook charting our Islands

Today me and my class writting an essay about an article could captain cook charting our Islands.

Captain cook could use maths in his chart making because longitude and latitude. also maths was so important to him because it helped him caulate where to put new Islands that he found and chart them down. he also made maps so peolple could travel safely.

Captain Cook had been instructed that if he ever found he had to chart it. Soon  cook started to observe the transit. After observing the transit cook set sail to the south, Cook had very little idea of what he could find on 6 october 1769 a young twelve year old sailor named nicholas.

Captain cook is a sailor who once travelled from britain in August 1768 he had instructions the first one was to travel to tahiti. He charted Islands around the world like new zealand and a map of mercury bay.

One of the crew's first tasks was to make a sounding. This told the captain where it was safe to drop the anchor. Knowing about the depth of the water was essential information for a ship's captain.
I enjoyed writting. I found finding imformation challenging. my next steps are writte more.
have you made ever made an essay?

Friday 19 June 2020


Today me and my class made a charcter profile about Tupaia.

This is what my charcter profile looks like.

Source:school journal Level 3 august 2019 Tupaia Master Navigator

I enjoyed making the charcter profile. I found finding imformation challenging. My next steps are to do more charcter profile.

Have you made charcter profile?

Tuesday 16 June 2020

Tupiaia Master Navigator

Today me and my class were finding out facts about the article tupaia master navigator.

Tupaia was born in the second  largest island in east polynesia around 1725 and lived in
raiatea and his family showed talent and was a high ranking family. Tupaia showed a lot of talent from a young age. Tupaia was chosen to train with arioi because of his gifts. The arioi are based taputapuatea a marae was the center of a large group.tupaia studied his people's culture and history then travelled widely and soon spoke a number of polynesia languages. Then became a navigator then was soon known as tupaia master navigator.

I enjoyed reading the article. I found writting about article in own words challenging. my next steps are to read more next time I will ask the teacher for more help.

have you read tupaia master navigator ?

Monday 8 June 2020


Today me and my class were trying to find what all these moari words mean so we a text from a story could a visit to tapu te ranga marae.
Word / vocabulary
Text Meaning
Greeting to sing
tangata whenua
Would know that we are coming in peace
The meeting between people 
In a moari meeting house
Ways of doing things
A gift or donation
Our gift to the marae
Who calls the visitor onto the marae
Greeting rubbing noses together
Rubbing noses twice
Brutal site
whare kai
Eating place
Pare Hinetai No Waitaha
A farewell speech

Friday 5 June 2020


Today me and my class were writting a report about how we made a Tivaevae out of paper.

Yesterday me and my class were making a Tivaevae. we used equipment like a scissor pencils and 2 coloured papers. first we started with blank piece of papers to practice. after that what we did was fold the blank paper into four then we used a pencil and drew patterns. after that we used the scissors and cut out the pattern then unfolded it. then once we were done on the blank paper we used one coloured paper and then did all the same instructions. but we glued the first coloured paper to the other one then we had a Tivaevae.

I enjoyed making a Tivaevae.I found cutting out the patterns next steps are to make more Tivaevaes.
have you made a Tivaevae before?